Do you have symptoms of a spinal hernia?

An intervertebral hernia is the most common and complex manifestation of osteochondrosis. For the first time, it may appear as a minor discomfort or backache in young people at a relatively young age – up to 30 years old, after physical activity, long sitting in an uncomfortable position during work, less often – in bed. Such pain is usually overlooked and the process continues to evolve.
The causes of spinal hernia – degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs – have not been fully investigated. It is known that static and dynamic forces, injuries and vibrations contribute to the development and exacerbation of osteochondrosis. Excess weight, distortion of the spine and hypodynamy play an important role.
Clinical manifestations of symptoms of spinal hernia depend on the location, size and direction of the hernia.
The symptoms of these diseases are familiar to many, and they are not only pain in the back of the various intensity and frequency. Very often, masquerading as other diseases, intervertebral hernia causes
- numbness, pain, restricted mobility, seizures in the hands or feet
- dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, impaired movement coordination, reduced vision quality
- intercostal neuralgia, heart rhythm disorders, stomach aches, impaired motor and organ function, vascular spasms.
The number of various diseases directly or indirectly related to the state of the spine is in the tens. At the same time, the most unfavorable diseases according to the prognosis of treatment are formed not only by compression of the nerve root, but also by the shift of the hernia in the direction of the spinal cord.
The spinal cord is responsible for the interrelation of the central nervous system with all organs, regulating the functions of the entire body and the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Compression of the spinal cord can lead to the development of paresis, paralysis, organ dysfunction and central nervous system ischemia.
Symptoms of herniation of the cervical spine:
- numbness of the fingers, hand or shoulder
- dizziness and headache
- increased blood pressure or a combination of headache, dizziness and arterial hypertension
Symptoms of intervertebral hernia in the thoracic segment:
- Constant pain in the thoracic department
- assimilation of scoliosis pain or kyphoscoliosis
Symptoms of intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region:
- toe numbness
- knee or leg pain
- inguinal numbness
- persistent lumbar pain (over 3 months).

The size of the intervertebral hernia can be divided as follows:
- protrusion of 2-3 mm,
- protrusion – convex hernia from 4 to 15 mm,
- extrusion is the fallout of the intervertebral disk core.
The location of the intervertebral hernia is divided by:
- lateral
- anterolateral
- backside
- medium
- combined
Why do adults and teenagers get painful
Back pains are caused by poor posture or prolonged sitting in front of a computer, sports injuries, falling from a height, or injuries caused by a car accident.
But still, a significant number of practitioners prioritize sedentary lifestyles, lack of muscle protection, impaired capillary circulation, incorrect posture while walking, and spinal column misalignment while sleeping.
Not the least of these is irrational nutrition, disturbance of energy and emotional balance of a person due to stress or – when we give our spine a shock or vibration load.
Back pain in teenagers is associated with wearing a heavy backpack, various musculoskeletal symptoms, practicing specific sports, and mismatching the recommended chair height at school or at home. This is a problem, along with age-related symptoms and typical psychological fluctuations.
Mechanisms of formation
The mechanisms of protrusion or intervertebral hernia formation come to the fore:
- thinning of the intervertebral disc and alteration of the vertebral bodies that reduce the distance between the vertebrae;
- weakness of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disk, which causes the middle part of the disk to move towards the least resistance, which forms protusion or hernia;
- weakness of the ligamentary and muscular vertebral corset, inability to hold the spine and individual vertebrae in the correct position and avoid their “subsidence” on each other;
- Absence of the correct motor stereotype – unconscious reflex to rationally distribute the load on muscles, spine and joints during movement and at rest.
It should be remembered that the cause of pain in case of intervertebral hernia, protrusion, displacement of the vertebrae – primarily in the mechanical compression (irritation) of the nerve root.
That’s why the use of analgesic, anti-inflammatory, vascular and even chondroprotective drugs without the elimination of compression (irritation) of the nerve has no long-term and effective therapeutic effect.
There are states when to cope with hernia and eliminate compression of the spinal cord or nerve root can only be methods of surgical intervention. But in most cases there are ways to restore the health of the spine without surgery.